The Central Oregon Coast British Car Club is based in Florence, OR, with additional families from nearby coastal and regional Oregon communities, Colorado, Arizona, and California.  Anyone who owns a vintage, classic, or modern British vehicle - running or   not - or have an appreciation of and enthusiasm for our British motoring heritage, is welcome!

Our monthly club breakfast social/business meetings are on the last Saturday of the month, 9:00 am at the Fresh Harvest Cafe on north Hwy 101 in Florence, OR.

Our "Southern Pod" group has their breakfast social on the first Saturday of each month, 9 am, at Dishner's Restaurant, 2603 Broadway Ave, North Bend, OR.

Review of our 2024 Activities:

Looking back at our club activities during 2024, we were an active bunch! We hosted 10 monthly breakfast socials and 26 motoring activities, including tours, car shows, luncheons and a lot of picnics at various scenic locations around the Central Oregon Coast region. Members also participated in the annual All British Field Meet in Portland. Our Friday morning "British Cars & Coffee" gatherings were again very popular all year long.

British Cars & Coffee: 

Join us every Friday morning 9-10 am at or near to the Bridgeport Deli, east side of the large Old Town Florence parking lot and next to the marina boat launch facilities. Please drive your British car, weather permitting. 

Annual Dues:

Our annual club dues are $10 per household per year. Please send a check made out to COCBCC to COCBCC, 17 Sea Watch Place, Florence, OR.  97439.